- Liquids in unmarked containers/Hazardous/poisonous chemicals/flammable liquids
- Infant/toddler furniture or items
- Used Blinds
- Box springs and mattresses
- Medical hospital beds
- Commercial doors, 8 ft. Doors, and garage doors
- Vehicle tires
- Guns, ammunition, or weapons
- Used paint
- Children/adult safety equipment
- Unframed glass/mirrors, items with sharp edges
- Used tile/flooring
- Plumbing materials containing higher levels of lead
- Used printers and computers; box TVs
- Cultured marble sinks & tubs; jetted tubs
- Large executive office desks
- Pianos
- Used shower doors
- Fluorescent light fixtures and bulbs
For Washington County, email vinna@habitatnwa.org with questions about items that might not be listed.